Thursday, 26 April 2007

Reckless or Restless .....

The issue of reckless driving by young drivers in Brunei is not something new. Yes, younger drivers drive cooler cars, are more hot-blooded,more tempermental & have the patience level of zero,but that does not mean they are reckless....careless maybe-sometimes (i've been there...done that...but haven't we all been young,foolish & stupid once?! *sigh*). But we must not forget the elder community as well....they do drive so slow...too slow infact. Maybe due to poor eyesight or just enjoying oldies music on the radio..i don't know...just guessing..which has led to inpromptu overtakings,exchange of hand gestures & the elaborate honking from the younger drivers.However i've also noticed that most of these seniors (usually taxi drivers...damn u!!) tend to drive faster,thinking they have the reflexes of an F1 driver....Man! what the heck were you thinking ?!

Ok..ok..For the sake of harmony,I shall not discriminate any age group (just struggling to get to the please bear with me). It doesn't matter what age group does what, everyone can be careless at times... like an inconsiderate idiot infront of me last night (move fool!...your holding up traffic ,driving at 30 km/h) who was using his phone,without a headset while driving.(probably sweet-talking the chick on the other end).Dude...don't multi-task while driving ...not good...hahaha...

Well, all I can say that, it's about time something is done about this...better late than never...right? I applaud this bold effort & hope we get good results this zero road fatalities...For the sake of our future, I do hope the 'unwell, uncivilised & uneducated people co-operate as well'...if you know what i mean ;)

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