Finally, I'm back home... It's been a while since I posted my last blog. I've been away on work commitments, for about 2 weeks. Seriously, it's the first time I've been to country where the internet service is only available in government offices and 5-star hotels. Not even wi-fi at any leading cafes... each time I asked if they had wi-fi, the barista kept asking what kind of drink it was??... Hence the lack of blogging... I really suffered from internet withdrawal syndrome there..??!
Anyway, I got back last Thursday and am only supposed to start work fresh on Monday. But knowing me, I just had to stop by at the office on the pretense of looking for some stuff I needed. It was a good feeling to be in the office environment, it felt welcoming...little did I remember that 'she' would be there...As soon as I reached my table I could see her face light up as if she had seen a ghost. Maybe it was an unexpected reaction, but nonetheless it was a surprise. For an instant I thought to myself that it's just me, she doesn't feel anything for me anymore...or does she??
I received an sms shortly after that...It was from 'her' it read " It's good to see that your finally back.... you look great.... I missed you!! ...." I was not expecting that from 'her' . I was not expecting anything at all, I gave up on 'her'...I'm over her...I guess I was wrong. All those memories i left behind, soon came flooding shoulders never felt so heavy with distress. Some of my colleagues had come over for a chat, you know, asking the usual stuff about my trip. I could feel her eyes fixed on me from behind.. I hated's like someones got a gun pointed to your back and you're powerless to do anything.
I left in a hurry after that, so much mixed emotions inside me...should I be happy...should I be angry...I just don't know what to feel. I had to get outta there. while walking towards my car, I could hear someone calling out to me from behind, I turned, it was 'her'. she asked why I was in such a rush to leave, I just mumbled something out in panic while trying to get my car door open. next thing I knew she got inside with me, my worst fears had come to haunt me. What am I supposed to do now?? She started by asking me stuff about my trip...general stuff...then she dropped the bomb by saying "you didn't reply my you don't miss me issit??" I told her, I did miss her and that I've never stopped feeling that way about her. I guess that made her day, she held my hand after that. I never would have guessed it would turn out this way, I suppose absence does make the heart grow fonder. I'm just confused about the feelings I have for her or hers towards mine. she suggested that we meet up for dinner later to do some catching up on lost time between us. I agreed, hoping that it'll answer so many mysteries between us.
I'm feeling happier now while writing this post, nothing can wipe this grin I have. I just hope it'll last this time. I'm just too tired to be hurt now... and too hurt to be expecting much tonite. let's see how things go...maybe it'll be a happy ending after all... who knows....