Friday 18 January 2008

How do I ....

I can't sleep... I see her in my thoughts... it's haunting me... I must really really miss her tonight. I can't see myself with anyone else, I think about her every single day and it hurts me more every time I hear someone else saying her name... why is that??? Is it jealousy?? She deliberately walked past me today as if I wasn't even there, not even the slightest glance, she's never done that before... My eyes adore her every move, but why can't she look at me anymore? Am I invisible to her now? :(

She's makes me feel so distant from her. It's unbearable, literally painful... I can't go through life without her near me...I miss her so much that it hurts. I need her more than ever now... I know I say it more often now, but I still miss her...


Anonymous said...

hey sorry to hear abt ur pain...
i kno how u feel...m feeling the same way too.

Joe Black said...

Hang-in there... everyone goes through rough times... but remember there's always a rainbow after every storm....