Tuesday 5 February 2008


A lot can happen in a week, no, no,... let me rephrase that... A lot can change in a week... I had to go away for a week on work related commitments. I'm still recovering (barely) from the chaotic schedule I had, coming back to the hotel half-past dead everyday can turn anyone off from blogging. Yes, sleeping in a cold bed was the only part of my trip that I truly enjoyed. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of coming home, back to my routine, my life, my family and ofcourse Ms Angel....

Like I said earlier, A lot can change in a week. We barely kept in touch, maybe we were just too busy for each other or maybe we just needed a break from each other...?? I don't know... Today, was my first day back at the office, however after the morning madness, only did I realise that Ms Angel was already on holiday for the upcoming CNY. I was quite suprised really,no mention of an early break in our conversations before, so I thought nothing of it at first. I did send Ms Angel a text message saying that I missed seeing her in the office, but till now it's midnight already and I still don't have a reply from her ??! What's going on here?? I called her handphone around noon, hoping for a short chat... but still no joy... my call was ignored. I think I was more annoyed than curious, but I didn't allow my gremlins to get the best of me. I rang her again, this time my call was answered, but hang on... it was answred by a guy?! Caught off guard, I managed to squeak my voice into asking where Ms Angel was? All I got was an instant cold cold reply from him saying that she was not able to talk to me... what the ...?? How could she ?? I did get to leave a message to the unknown human for her to return my call... before he suddenly hung-up on me, sadly nothing replied, so far. It's past midnight now, I'm tired of waiting. I don't get it... what happened?? Right now, a million questions going through my head, I have no answers, except that it can only be intepreted to the pain and betrayal I'm feeling right now. Why me ?? Why now ?? I hate this... I wonder why my happiness is always short-lived?? I'm tired... I'm going to lie in the darkness of my room and stare blindly. I'm sure the silence will put my mind at ease and deafen my thoughts. I need to close my eyes... it's time to suffer alone...

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